About Us

With one tweet, tap, or snap, we interact with people instantly, as we do with brands. Today's socially active generation show how people relate to and involve themselves with brands, ultimately building a deeper connection with them, more than just buying the products. For brands to succeed in such a competitive environment, fundamental retooling and transformation are already afoot.

In our opinion, influencer advertising is the synergist for brands to cross the chasm. After all, influencers build a unique lens for a brand to their followers, earn their trust and leverage sales.

But why do you need an influencer advertising platform when you can just reach out to an influencer of your choice and seal the deal; or you as an influencer can simply drop a mail to the brand you like?!

Well, the world of influencer marketing has grown to be so huge so fast, that you are possibly not even aware of the great options you might have out there, instead of the one influencer you have on your mind. Besides, it can be challenging for budding influencers to find brand deals, despite having so much potential.

Introducing, Socyio! An integrated end-to-end influencer advertising platform- Where brands meet influencers!

It's quick and straightforward.

For brands: Skip the tedious research process and avoid wasting time and budget on unfulfilling collaborations. Socyio gives you a pool of influencers to choose from to fit your campaign. Get insights and understand their stats if they're sparking engagement around criteria that align with your brand, their portfolio and a clear view of their audience. You choose the influencer your marketing persona trusts!

For Influencers: Connect directly with marketers of top brands, build relationships and manage your campaigns & finances- all at one platform. Work with the right brands to help you grow your audience. Our astute team also help you to make your profile approval friendly to get more deals.

Why Socyio?

  • End to end influencer advertising platform
  • We take transparency very seriously!
  • Discover the best influencers for your campaigns instantly
  • Get granular information on every influencer
  • Run & manage multiple collaborations at once
  • From micro to celebrity influencers- find anyone and everyone!

Our Story

We started our journey in 2017 as a digital marketing agency. Over the years, we helped brands build a strong social media presence along with influencer marketing campaigns.

We noticed how collaborating with influencer marketing agencies can be heavy on the pocket for both influencers and brands. Besides, leveraging the trust factor, ads relevance and communication can be challenging too.

Our method tames this madness!

We are on a mission to bridge this gap and change the influencer advertising industry forever! We believe how influencer marketing has been transforming the game of digital marketing and will continue to do so!

Socyio, was started with a vision to be the future of influencer marketing, where we wish to promote the real essence of advertising and take it forward & beyond. We are a platform to empower creators to make a living from sponsorships, collaborations and endorsements with brands, so they focus on creating the content we enjoy. We wish to foster a culture that celebrates being an influencer as a real job in this industry, rather than someone who just promotes your brand.